Enhancing Your Professional Development Experience

Career Counseling Services Are Ideal For:

  • Adults exploring a career transition or job change.
  • Retirees looking to discover options to continue a satisfying future.
  • Transitions for those who have been downsized or fired.
  • Students and graduates looking for guidance in school selection, career options, or landing a first job.


I provide effective and professional career development counseling for individuals. This process includes helping you to match your personal attributes with the most appropriate career choices and then preparing you for a powerful and successful search.

Customized Services:

Develop a Career Direction and Establish Goals

  • Comprehensive Testing: Assess interests, aptitudes, personality, and values. Linking your inner resources with the right career leads to increased job satisfaction and professional and personal growth.
  • Occupational Outlook and Research: Learn how to research careers and ensure that there will be opportunities in your chosen path.

Create Powerful & Professional Resumes

  • Your resume is a sales tool; highlights qualifications, accomplishments, and skills.
  • Format your resume correctly and include keywords and phrases so that it will pass through Applicant Tracking Software and into human hands.

Interview Training & Practice

  • The research will improve your interviews — demonstrate your knowledge of the company’s business issues and goals and how you can support them.
  • Practice the different types of interviews, whether they are with friends or colleagues, search firms or agencies, human resources, or the decision-maker.
  • Create stories that illustrate your accomplishments and experience to use in the interview and prepare for the typical interview questions.

Job Search Strategy

  • Create a balanced and effective search in which you uncover the hidden job market.
  • Include both active methods (networking and targeting companies) and passive methods (advertisements and search firms) in a successful search.


  • Networking continues to offer the greatest access to the unpublished job market and reach decision-makers.
  • Learn effective strategies.
  • Many people feel uncomfortable about networking, but it does not require asking for favors or cold calling.

Negotiation Skills

  • Develop a negotiation strategy and gain knowledge about how to initiate and execute a negotiating conversation.
  • Keep the conversation positive and reach a win-win result.

Students & Graduates

High School Students: Learn more about the world of work so that you can choose the right college and take appropriate classes to assist in refining your direction.

College Students: Align your education with your career possibilities so that when you graduate you can secure a position.

Graduates: Receive the help you need to land your first job on the path to a professional career in this very challenging job market. Oftentimes, new graduates are discouraged and wind up being underemployed and unable to live on their own.

Customized Services:

Develop Career Direction

Match your personal attributes with the most appropriate career choices.


Practice how to network with your existing acquaintances and build new contacts who can help you succeed.

Interview Training

Ensure that interviewers know who you are and what you can bring to their organization.

Negotiation Training

Be prepared to negotiate the best possible deal for yourself.

Resume writing

You are more than a list of job titles. Explain your accomplishments and how they can help an organization.

Job Search Strategy

Learn the most successful methods of job search.


When counseling businesses I provide insights, new perspectives, and recommendations related to the development and management of people. Because organizational success depends largely on people and how they do their jobs, business counseling has become a common practice among professionals seeking advantage and or professional “edge” against competitors within their industry.

Customized Services:

Employee Assessment and Selection

Employee management and executive pre-employment evaluation and screening processes ensure an optimal fit. I assess competencies, skills, interests, and personal characteristics, leading to lower employee turnover and reduced costs.


One-on-one coaching and mentoring sessions offer a focused method to set goals and targets for actions that enable employees to reach beyond their present level of success. Identify and address gaps in employee skill, culture, and work style. Retain top talent and improve leadership performance and employee productivity.


Career management services assist candidates in focusing on a range of career choices, identifying their next opportunity, and learning the job-search process, including preparing and executing personal marketing plans, effective networking and interviewing, and evaluating and negotiating offers.

Team Development

Workshops using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator increase team members’ understanding of themselves, their strengths, and blind spots, which leads to better performance.